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Benefits of Assisted Living for Seniors

A senior gets out of a vehicle with the help of a community team member.

Assisted living offers a balanced solution for those who want freedom and additional care; it allows seniors to maintain their autonomy while receiving the support they need. At Yorkshire of Edina, we focus on person-centered care, ensuring that as your needs evolve, we adjust to provide comprehensive, compassionate assistance.  Assisted living can bring peace of […]

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Tips for Smooth Transitions to Assisted Living

An older adult woman and an older adult man smiling while carrying cardboard boxes

The process of moving our loved ones into assisted living often involves significant changes and a new environment, which can trigger a mix of emotions. This step, typically influenced by factors such as deteriorating health, safety considerations, or the necessity for tailored care, demands meticulous planning and thoughtful deliberation.  To make sure of a seamless […]

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What Causes Hallucinations in Seniors?

A senior man smiling and looking directly at the camera.

Life can be full of unexpected challenges. The senior years, while full of wisdom, memories, and joy, can often present some challenges and new health concerns—like hallucinations. What causes these?  There are a few things that can cause hallucinations in seniors, including: To better support our older loved ones, it’s essential to understand the challenges […]

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Communication Tips for Dementia Caregivers

A nurse examining a senior woman who is experiencing disorientation and confusion

Dementia is an umbrella term that encompasses a range of medical conditions, including Alzheimer’s, caused by abnormal brain changes. Senior living communities offer specialized care and support for loved ones with dementia to help maintain quality of life.  In some cases, family members become caregivers. Because dementia poses challenges with verbal expression, comprehension, and memory, […]

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Top 6 Cell phones for Seniors

A senior woman standing outdoors smiling while looking at her smartphone.

With the use of modern technology on the rise, there are more and more ways to keep in touch with the people you care about. However, these advancements in cell phones especially often lead to overly complicated interfaces, buttons, and software, making them much harder to use than necessary. Fortunately, there are some options that […]

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